
The Geological Survey of the Netherlands (GDN) employs a total of 285 people, spread over four departments. They spend their days putting fundamental and applied knowledge about the subsurface to work for society.

Our people and departments

Our employees develop applied knowledge, technology, and information products, with which we support policymakers and the business community, and advise governments on the use of the subsurface. We employ geologists, physical geographers, engineers, and, because of our data management expertise, a relatively high number of geo data scientists and IT specialists. 

Three main tasks

As a knowledge partner of the Dutch government, GDN has three main tasks: we collect, manage, and disclose information on the subsurface (our information task); we advise public authorities on the use of the subsurface (our advisory task); and we develop applied knowledge on the subsurface and subsurface-related technology (our research task). These tasks have been laid out in the Geological Survey of the Netherlands Agreement between the State of the Netherlands and TNO.

• Information task

Within the framework of our statutory tasks laid out in the  Mining Act  and the  National Key Registry of the Subsurface (BRO) Act , GDN collects all kinds of subsurface-related (research) data. We manage these data and make them accessible via portals such as BROloket, DINOloket, and NLOG. Using the same channels, we also create and disclose  digital models  of the subsurface for various applications. Our GeoData & IT and Geomodelling departments carry out our information task.

• Advisory task

Within the framework of the Mining Act, we advise the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) on the exploration for and production of minerals and geothermal energy, and on storage in the subsurface. We also create estimates and forecasts of mineral reserves. Increasingly, we are also advising local governments and other ministries, for example on mining-related issues, but also on other topics, such as soil subsidence and drought. Responsibility for the execution of our advisory task lies with the Advisory Group for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (TNO-AGE), with support from other groups.

• Research task

We conduct applied earth science research on geo-energy, raw materials, the energy transition, subsidence, and groundwater, amongst other things. Our Applied Geosciences and Geomodelling (and, increasingly, GeoData & IT) departments carry out our research task.

Part of TNO

GDN is part of TNO, where it is incorporated into the Energy & Materials Transition unit. Both within the unit and throughout the rest of TNO, we are able to quickly and easily connect with other knowledge domains regarding, for example, sustainable energy sources, energy transition policy, buildings and infrastructure, or for high-end IT expertise. You can read more about the energy transition focus area on the TNO website by clicking the blue button below.

Would you to like to find out more about our organisation?

Please contact Paul Bogaard, GDN’s secretary, via the blue ‘mail directly’ button below.

Geological model of the upper 50 metres of Brabant and Limburg


The Geomodelling expert group of the Geological Survey of the Netherlands (GDN) has developed various models of the Dutch subsurface.

GDN employees while working on a geological computer model.

Advisory Group for Economic Affairs

Our Advisory Group for Economic Affairs (TNO AGE) supports the government in making safe and responsible use of the deep subsurface, at depths of more than 500 metres.

CO2 capture installation The Hague Geothermal Energy Leyweg.

Applied Geosciences

Within the Applied Geosciences (AGS) expert group, we conduct research on geo-energy within the context of the energy transition and climate change.

Dutch landscape

Geo Data & IT

The Geo Data & IT expert group ensures that extensive datasets with diverse data about the subsurface are digitally accessible for planning, policy-making, and scientific research, amongst other things.