28 September 2023 - 29 September 2023
Terreinexcursie 29/9: grenspark Kalmthoutse Heide en Brabantse WalVerzamelen: Kiekenhoeve, Essen - B
Directions via Google Maps
Interested in more information?
Ronald Vernes,
Programme manager project local authoritiesCall
‘H3O-De Voorkempen: new insights into and applications for interregional subsurface models’
On 28 and 29 September, the Geological Survey of the Netherlands (GDN), together with its Belgian and Dutch partners(*) will organise the free webinar and field trip ‘H3O-De Voorkempen: new insights into and applications for interregional subsurface models’. The webinar and field trip will conclude the H3O-De Voorkempen Project. This project aims to build a (hydro)geological 3D model of the subsurface of the Belgian-Dutch border region of De Voorkempen and West Brabant. Those who are interested are welcome to participate in the webinar and field trip.
Webinar 28 September 2023
During the webinar on 28 September, the results of the H3O-De Voorkempen project will be presented. Experts, including external guest speakers, will also provide insight into the importance of a consistent, cross-border subsurface model in relation to different applications and policy issues. This will include current topics such as groundwater, geothermal energy, and climate.
Field trip 29 September 2023
The field trip on Friday 29 September will focus on exploring the subsurface in the Grenspark Kalmthoutse Heide and the Brabantse Wal. A four-kilometre walk will visit several Belgian and Dutch geological sites of interest to the project. A visit to PIDPA’s Water Production Centre is also scheduled.
Participation in the webinar and field trip is free. Registration is possible until 12:00 on 26 September via this link (this will open the Flemish Government website).
A limited number of places are still available for the field trip, so register quickly.
More information
More information on the project can be found here: H3O-De Voorkempen | DOV (
(*) Overview partners project H3O-De Voorkempen
⦁ Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving (Flemish Government);
⦁ Flanders environment Agency (VMM);
⦁ Geological Survey of Belgium of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (BGD/KBIN);
⦁ Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO).
The Netherlands:
⦁ Geological Survey of the Netherlands (GDN), part of TNO;
⦁ Province of North Brabant;
⦁ Brabant Water.