Have you always wanted to find out more about the Dutch subsurface? Want to know how fossils formed or do some soil research? Then visit TNO Utrecht’s Geological Survey of the Netherlands (GDN) during the Science Weekend.
On Saturday 1 October, we open our doors for the 2022 Science Weekend. Everyone is welcome at GDN, especially children between 8 and 14 years old and their (grand)parents or supervisors. During this science festival, geologists, among others, will talk about their work and show visitors how cool science can be. You will find out how the Netherlands was formed, what the earth looks like on the inside, and how we can extract energy from the subsurface. Visitors can also perform their own porosity test or search of the ‘blue gold’ of the future. The full programme can be viewed here.
During the 2022 Science Weekend, you can also visit several other TNO locations to see what great things we have achieved over the past 90 years and find out about our goals for the coming years. Also, dozens of other cool participants from across the country will open their doors, allowing you to take a look behind the scenes of various research institutes, hospitals, universities, museums, libraries, and companies.