Interested in more information?

Wiebe van Driel,

Deputy Research Manager


Mining and the energy transition

The Geological Survey of the Netherlands (GDN) supports the government in formulating, implementing, and evaluating policy on natural resources and energy supply in our country. We offer solicited and unsolicited advice on the use of the deep subsurface and its consequences.

Accelerating knowledge development for mining

On a daily basis, our experts of the Advisory Group for Economic Affairs (TNO AGE) work on the national mining portfolio and related subjects. This gives us a clear picture of what knowledge is needed. We also see it as our responsibility to share the knowledge and thus accelerate innovation. An example is the research agenda of the Knowledge Programme on Effects of Mining. Our advice is often based on knowledge that has been (partly) developed elsewhere.

Transition towards a sustainable energy system

At GDN, we are working on ways to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable energy system. Important themes are the declining production of gas, data transfer by departing operators for reuse and aftercare purposes, geothermal energy production, large-scale energy storage,  infrastructure on the North Sea, and CO2 storage. We also look at ways of approaching such a sustainable energy system from a wider perspective. This ranges from opportunities for sectors via its impact on other social challenges to factors at play in risk perception and the acceptance of (scientific) facts.

Accessible mining data

GDN receives, checks, manages, and provides access to the data required for the implementation of the Mining Act. These data are open to the public and available through NLOG, unless they have been classified as confidential. The course and future of the energy transition is unpredictable and therefore places additional demands across the board on the availability of data and on our handling of it.

Information provision for professional users

TNO AGE makes information on the use of the deep subsurface accessible through the NLOG portal. We report on national reserves, issue thematic publications, and publish in scientific journals and other media. On request, we supply local governments with information on licensing related to the Mining Act, aftercare, and the energy transition. Also, anyone who’s interested can use the regional 3D models of the Netherlands.

Towards a public model toolbox

Every company can itself decide which research methods it uses to prove that its business activities meet legal requirements. Therefore, society demands an independent substantiation based on authoritative methods reviewed by international experts. This in turn makes its use attractive to companies in this sector. In this context, TNO AGE is developing a toolbox for the gas-related earthquakes in Groningen. This tool also incorporates individual knowledge modules developed by our knowledge partners.

Interested in more information? Please contact Wiebe van Driel, Deputy Research Manager TNO AGE, using the blue ‘mail directly’ button below.