GeoData & Information Management
About GDN
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Patrick Brooijmans,
Research ManagerCall
GeoData & Information Management research group
As the GeoData & Information Management (GDIM) research group, we are responsible for the data management of the Geological Survey of the Netherlands (GDN). Our role is to ensure that the extensive datasets of diverse subsurface data are digitally accessible. GDIM also makes data and information modelling possible, which we do together with our colleagues in the Geo-Information Technology (GIT) research group. We focus on the management and digital accessibility of subsurface data, while GIT develops applications and maintains the IT infrastructure.
Entire information chain
GDIM’s expertise focuses on the entire subsurface data information chain. We are responsible for the collection, standardisation, storage, management, and digital accessibility of high-quality subsurface data. In addition to the Dutch mainland, this encompasses subsurface data from the Dutch portion of the North Sea and the Caribbean region of the Kingdom. The data we use includes data from oil and gas drillings, soundings, seismic surveys, and groundwater measurements.
The subsurface data we manage form the basis for subsurface-related issues, including urban development, climate adaptation, geothermal energy, subsidence, resource policy, groundwater, and infrastructure project construction. The main users of these subsurface data are public authorities (national, provincial, waterboards, and municipalities), knowledge and educational institutions, and industry.
Statutory tasks
GDN has a number of statutory tasks, including the collection and management of subsurface data under the Mining Act and the National Key Registry of the Subsurface Act. The collection and management of subsurface data largely falls within the purview of GDIM.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning
GDIM uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to keep the subsurface data managed by GDN up to date. AI makes it possible to organise the ever-increasing volumes of data and make it accessible for internal and external use.
Making the subsurface digitally accessible
GDN plays an important role in the development and management of a globally unique phenomenon: the BROloket. This portal makes the data from the National Key Registry of the Subsurface (BRO) publicly accessible. Other portals we manage are DINOloket and NLOG. GDIM also makes the 3D representation of the GeoTOP model possible.
Unique archive of the subsurface in the Core Store
Subsurface data are not only available digitally, as tens of thousands of soil and rock samples are stored in our own Core Store. These samples have been collected from marine and terrestrial drillings spanning more than a century. With this, GDN manages a unique archive of the subsurface. This makes the Core Store a very valuable facility that is also used by other (research) institutions and companies.
Would you like to know more?
For questions on geodata and information management, please contact our Service Desk. Alternatively, you can contact GDIM Research Manager Patrick Brooijmans using the blue button below labelled ‘mail directly’.